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We have collected the products from our store that we believe are friendly to the environment in one way or another. Some are made from recycled materials, others are easy to recycle or do not harm the environment.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recovery! We are proud to state that all of our boxes are re-used supplier boxes. Reducing waste and unnecessary production of more manufactured cardboard boxes. We also reuse packaging material, e.g. plastic film, air pockets, bubble wrap, cardboard and polystyrene foam.
Businesses, as well as Individuals, should look for opportunities to reduce the waste that they generate before trying to reuse or recycle. After all attempts to reduce or eliminate the generation of waste have been exhausted, the next preferred option is to look for opportunities to reuse items. If all waste reduction and reuse options are exhausted, individuals and businesses should try to recycle. recycles all their non-reusable boxes.
We care about our Earth and have a strong commitment to our environment.